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Donate to Elect Tonja Hibma

Together we can promote the highest quality education for our students and ensure that Williamson County Schools continue to excel!

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Make Checks Payable to “Tonja Hibma for School Board”

1441 New HWY 96 W., Suite #2-103

Franklin, TN 36064

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Before donating, please note the following legal guidelines:

  • Contributions by check of $100 or less are not individually reported.

  • Contributions by check of $100.01 or more must be reported individually with name, address, occupation, and employer name.

  • By state law, the maximum allowable contribution is $1,800 per person, $3,600 per couple per election cycle, and couple donation of $7,200 per calendar year.

  • Make checks payable to Tonja Hibma for School Board, or donate online using the button above.

  • Contributions to Tonja Hibma for School Board are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

  • PACs, LLCs, and partnerships may also contribute to the campaign.

  • The limit for PACs is $15,600 per two-year election cycle.

  • Cash donations are not accepted.