Tonja Hibma’s Four Pillars

The Foundation of our Children’s Education

Williamson County has the best schools in Tennessee. This did not happen by accident and we cannot take this excellence for granted. My primary mission is to promote the highest quality education for all students and ensure Williamson County Schools continue to excel.  That’s why I believe we must reinforce these four pillars that support our exceptional schools. We cannot allow a single one of these pillars to falter.

Parents’ Rights

  • Parents have a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education and health care of their children. They have the right to raise their children in accordance with their family values - without interference from the government.

  • Parents must be respected as their children’s primary caregiver and decision maker. It is the role of our schools to partner with parents in the education of their children. 

  • As your school board member, I will work to set policy that upholds the rights of parents and keeps our schools focused on learning and teaching the skills children will need to succeed in our ever-changing world.

School Safety

  • No child should ever be afraid of going to school because they fear for their safety. Students cannot learn and teachers cannot teach in an unsafe environment.

  • Fortunately, every school in Williamson County has a professional, armed law enforcement officer assigned to each campus.  We must continue working with the County Sheriff and city police Chiefs to keep it this way.

  • Threats of violence do not solely come from outside our schools. They can spring up within our schools and our classrooms.  We must have a comprehensive discipline policy that holds students accountable for improper behavior and gives teachers the authority to enforce those limits.  

Quality Curriculum

  • As a teacher, I have created my own curriculum and written many lesson plans during 18 years of teaching.  I will be the parents’ voice to see that our district selects an exceptional curriculum that helps our students excel and enables them to be competitive in the local and global marketplaces.  

  • The overall goal of public education is to teach the mastery of basics like reading, writing, and math, and then teach students how to think critically.  The proper selection of curriculum, supplemental materials, and activities plays a huge part in the educational rigor, students’ critical thinking and the overall quality of education.

  • In the next four years, both the Science and the Social Studies curricula will be selected for our schools.  We must ensure that all materials selected stick to the subject matter and do not include any type of Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, or Diversity-Equity-Inclusion propaganda.  If it becomes necessary, I will encourage the school board to seek a waiver from the state to acquire appropriate outside educational resources. 

Great Teachers

  • Williamson County’s school children deserve the best and most dedicated teachers. To attract and keep these highly sought after teachers, we must provide them with competitive and ample salaries.

  • However, having the best teachers for Williamson County’s schools isn’t only about pay.  It’s about much more. We need to have a school environment where teachers at all experience levels want to work, not just for a few years — but for their entire careers.

  • We can support our teachers by treating them as subject matter experts and allow them to use their creativity and expertise to enhance the  materials assigned to them. We can allow them to teach in a manner that addresses the specific educational needs of students in their classrooms. 

  • Additionally, the School Board needs to work with our Superintendent and professional community organizations, like Williamson Inc., who can provide leadership training for principals and administrators on how to build a positive work environment and campus culture that is the envy of school districts across Tennessee.